Scout Film Finance operates as a specialist film and television financier, providing cashflow for the Australian Producer Offset, Location and PDV Offsets to Australian productions. Set up in 2016, as a division of Scout Production Services, SFF has established itself as a reliable go-to source of debt funding in the Australian fim and television sector. Under certain circumstances, Scout Film Finance will provide cashflow lending facilities for distribution guarantees, presales, and limited gap and bridging finance.
Scout Film Finance is based in Australia, but with our vast knowledge of the industry and international experience is looking to expand overseas in the near future. All of our team are from within the film and television industry, resulting in a firm understanding of the filmmaker’s needs. Our goal is to provide the boring stuff, so that directors and producers can get on with making great films.
Phone: +61 (0)450-885-729 | copyright © 2020| info@scoutfilmfinance.com
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